Ambassador Jonathan Moore

I first met Ambassador Jonathan Moore in 1980 during his tenure as the director of Harvard University’s Institute of Politics. I was teaching two study groups there, on covert action and U.S. foreign policy, and U.S. MENA foreign affairs. Jonathan was formerly the US coordinator for refugees and Ambassador to the United Nations responsible for economic and social issues.

He was in so many ways my mentor, and responsible for my Institute's ability to conduct our global experiential immersive education programs, knowledgeably, safely, and responsibly.

I invited Jonathan to join the Institute’s Advisory Board, on which he served for ten years.

He wrote this of the Institute:

It is easy for me to assess the EPIIC program at Tufts from an academic viewpoint and that of a competitor…And I do so with admiration and event envy. There are three characteristics of EPIIC which I would like to mention specifically. The first is the kind of research which is at the same time rigorous and relevant, analytically sound by requiring a political and cultural respect and a practical value. The second is the full-scope and full-bore engagement which this program invites of its participants, which apparently becomes irresistible, given their enthusiastic immersion, thirsty to apply the knowledge they are acquiring in their very high-quality, formal education to challenges of a human scale. The third is the confidence which the program instills in idealistic and spiritual commitment, the understanding that the joining of ideals with intellect and competence is to be pursued rather than shunned.

He inspired and mentored generations of our students and especially stimulated the creation of our Voices from the Field program.

The last program I initiated for the Institute before I became Emeritus in 2016 is an annual lecture on “Global Moral Leadership” to be given in his honor. Finally on December 4th, 2020, a mutual friend, Ambassador Samantha Power delivered the Institute's inaugural lecture in memory of our extraordinary mutual friend. I first asked her to give this talk when we were ushers at Jonathan's Harvard memorial service in June of 2017, and she asked me to wait until she finished her book, The Education of An Idealist. It was worth the wait. The lecture was a wonderful inspirational moment, joining former UN Ambassadors, whose ethics and idealism permeated everything we accomplished at the Institute.

Jonathan and his wonderful wife Katie are greatly missed.

Cody Valdes


Cody A. Valdes is Senior Lecturer and Senior Tutor in the School of Arts and Sciences at Sai University, where he will be leading the development of the University’s tutorial system for undergraduate students as well as its Communications foundation course. He will play a role in fostering intellectual life, international projects, and opportunities for holistic growth on campus.

He received his MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History from Cambridge University in 2017 and his BA in Political Science from Tufts University in 2013. At Tufts he served in leadership positions in numerous programs of the Institute for Global Leadership under its Founding Director Emeritus Sherman Teichman, including its EPIIC colloquium, Empower Program of Social Entrepreneurship, Discourse Journal, Poverty and Power Research Initiative, Solar for Gaza/Sderot, and Synaptic Scholars. He later served as a Teaching Assistant for Tufts’ Department of Political Science, for which he gave lectures in the history of political thought and international relations. He has worked with Healing Minds Foundation’s team of therapists in Srinagar, Kashmir to introduce a mind-body integration programme for youth throughout the Valley. As an Instructor in the traditional martial arts with the School of Oom Yung Doe, he taught self-defense and moving meditation seminars to students and teachers at the International School of Kashmir and the Government College for Women in Srinagar.


It was my great pleasure and fortune to be able to introduce Cody to Jamshed Bharucha, who hired him at Sai University, where he is the indispensable fulcrum for my Global Challenges colloquium.

You joined EPIIC for our Global Cities year, and helped to create some of the more significant projects of the Institute - our look at corruption and oligarchy in the Philippines with the PPRI; the efforts to help ASYV with the Mango Tree Project; Sisi ni Amani, Solar for Gaza.

Why were you drawn to these initiatives? Did your efforts yield results?

For the Global Cities year (2008-9) I studied the potential impact of the 2010 Winter Olympics on Vancouver’s homeless and its Downtown Eastside neighbourhood. That same year I joined the Povrty and Power Research Initiative which had returned from its inaugural research effort into oligarchies and corruption in Guatemala and impressed me as being a serious team of very smart older peers. I sometimes wonder if my attraction to the theme of corruption as a freshman anticipated my later attraction to the theme of decline, which includes corruption in the Transparency International sense, but some other significant dimensions besides. In almost all of these efforts I was attracted by the seriousness of the issue at hand and the people I ended up working with.  

How would you describe your temperament? On the one hand, I see tremendous equanimity. On the other, great restlessness.

Yes there is much restlessness. I might refer to Nietzsche’s Gay Science, section 351, or Faust:

Whatever is the lot of humankind
I want to taste within my deepest self.
I want to seize the highest and the lowest,
to load its woe and bliss upon my breast,
and thus expand my single self titanically
and in the end go down with all the rest.

I would ascribe my restlessness to the fact that in many respects I have not allowed my personality to develop along a normal and healthful course, which instinctively seeks equilibrium and ease in self-definition. I have tried to see all sides of things, which naturally makes one try to be all sides of things. My motivation has been the same naïvely expansive humanism espoused by Faust.

What are your aspirations at the crossroads where you currently find yourself? What will inform your decision? What are important and vexing political or social issues you want to engage with?

I am looking for an organic way forward. My work in Kashmir has been abruptly curtailed by the Indian government’s actions on August 5th, 2019, but the events of that day also galvanized me to engage in Canadian public life. The annulment of Kashmir’s status within the Indian federation demonstrated the utter fragility of constitutional democracy, especially where the qualities of forbearance and humanity can no longer be assumed of publics and their politicians. I would like to see Canada shore up its commitment to the letter and spirit of its federalist constitution and to respect the process of decentralized self-governance and self-determination by all of our provinces, territories, and peoples. I wish that this spirit of self-definition would prevail in our culture as well. I am not satisfied with the pseudo-multiculturalism of our cities where in fact everybody thinks and acts the same. I think it will weigh on humanity’s conscience very heavily, second only to the ecological crisis, if we press the homogenization of human culture any further.

My vision for an academy in Haida Gwaii reflects this latter concern for the future of human development. There is a rich heritage of knowledge accessible in books and the living lineages of disciplines that is more available to us than ever and yet fast slipping from our grasp. Our world is dying of thirst next to these inexhaustible reservoirs. Our minds are no longer cut out to access this knowledge – to participate in culture in the German sense of Bildung or the Greek sense of paideia. I was born around the time the Berlin Wall fell and the Internet was invented. The overwhelming trend during my lifetime has been the breaking down of barriers. Our culture has yet to propose an integral vision of a human being to its youth, i.e., a person who knows the worth of the different varietals of freedom.

What kind of role models do you admire?

I admire what were called in English class ‘round characters,’ people who in their way have assimilated a high degree of contradiction. These are the true empaths of the world because some part of them really is that which they seek to understand. The cost is inner turmoil for as much time as it takes to work out an equilibrium between the opposing elements. Then again, I appreciate the qualities of truly singular and unalloyed individuals and epochs too. For example here is a couplet by the Arab poet Ta’abata Sharran that has always evoked for me the Bedouin spirit of freedom:

[He is a man who] seldom complains of whatever calamity befalls him,

But has plenty of desires, many different directions to move in and ways to go.

Qalil al-tashakki lil-mulimm yusibuhu

Kathir al-hawa shatta al-nawa wa-al-masaalik

To his Jahiliyyan verse one could counter a saying of the prophet Muhammad, and then one would have a pair of remarkable yet contrasting personalities; and one could do this with pairs like Christ and Caesar, Socrates and Alcibiades, Confucius and Chuang Tzu, Hegel and Nietzsche…

What was your experience like creating the Cambridge Reading Group on decline? 

When you think of decline, how do you explain what is happening in our own country, or the world at large? What construct makes sense to you at this moment in political terms? 

We gathered an eclectic group of participants not one of whom was a student of political theory. We had an ecologist, a physicist, a lawyer, a political scientist, Brendan Simms our patron and resident historian, and various others. I convened it in early 2017, less than a year after the Brexit and Trump phenomena that had suddenly made the topic apropos. The group culled some interesting insights from the texts which were documented in a summary we published on Simms’ Forum on Geopolitics website.  

I will say that the tendency in the modern social sciences towards materialistic or impersonal explanations of rise and decline is, in my opinion, misguided. These scientists could take as a model Ibn Khaldun, who derives general laws or patterns of rise and decline from observable facts, yet foregrounds the human element of personality, character, and spirit in the last analysis.

You have many physical practices to balance your intellectual discipline:

Hockey - what does it fulfill for you, and why had you left it for so long?

You have chosen to dedicate yourself to traditional martial arts. Is there any eschatology involved? What informs your dedication to two disparate sports?

Hockey was an important phase in my youth but I left it when my interest in political issues began to eclipse my interest in sport, which coincided with my introduction to the IGL. I would characterize the next seven years as the steady decline of my off-ice fitness regime, until its monotony became unbearable and I went searching for something that was more mental than physical, which I found in traditional martial arts with the School of Oom Yung Doe. This form of movement concentrates the processes of mental development and self-awareness. The rigour tests one’s commitment to certain ideals and also lets one to test certain propositions one might hold about basic problems of the mind and body or mind and matter. The practice has convinced me of the intimate connection of self-knowledge and self-development, the premise of the academy I aim to create.

Your life is a life dedicated to, and is an avatar of the “mind/body” duality, a fusion that few have achieved at such a level, especially at your age.

How do you integrate the disparate parts of your life? What continuities and discontinuities are there?

If the question is the degree to which I have achieved a workable synthesis of my values and ambitions, I think I have not met with very much success. I am an unwieldy grotesque of motivations. I took especial note of Nietzsche’s early characterization of Socrates and the rest of the pre-Platonic philosophers as each being “hewn from a single stone,” single-ingredient and singular individuals, in contrast to Plato and those who followed him, who he characterized as mishmashes of all kinds of Eastern and late Hellenic influences. The latter types are forced to impose a form on their lives arbitrarily, or conform themselves to their times, or aspire to the Renaissance ideal of l’uomo universale and unify their manifold natures. Naturally, these options, if not properly mediated, introduce new incongruities of their own. I think this is one of my principal struggles in life. 

If the question concerns the share of my life that transpires inside of me, as opposed to externally, that share is very much. The greatest events in my life have been thoughts, insights, internal struggles, victories, etc. I have made my decisions about what to do and where to go based on an internal sense of necessity and this has made my life feel integral, even in bad times, and perhaps made its incongruities more apparent than real.  

What do you mean by the "theory and practice of existential philosophy" that you have taught? How does this relate to your work on political thought and intellectual history?

In Kashmir part of my remit has been to engage our team of therapists in a continual process of self-inquiry. To take this seriously one has to make a practice of it and live moment to moment in a struggle for awareness. The danger with developing a theory and language to speak about awareness is that these quickly replace the real thing. The point is to overcome spiritual lethargy and release blockages, and over the past year we tried this by many means: conversations about death, guided journaling, a group reading of Victor Frankl’s memoirs from the Holocaust, and physical and mental challenges to bring the problem “into the moment,” where it needs to be.

Awareness is only aroused for a reason. In our team’s case it was the ethical and professional imperative to work with clients sensitively and effectively. A therapist needs to discern and respect the existential dimension of a person’s struggles – the questions of value, priority, ethics, identity, etc. that the client must learn to resolve. Practically, we were trying to develop the intellectual acuity and self-control to not impose one’s own understandings of life and values on a person in a space where there are countless opportunities to do so. This is a principle that many teachers embrace who teach by the so-called Socratic method. 

My training in intellectual history was less relevant to this work than one could have anticipated. It is true that modern existential psychology derives from the existential turn in modern philosophy of the late 19th century, but that was part of a larger crisis of faith in the West that is mostly irrelevant to Kashmir, where piety and religiosity remain robust. We had no need to study the intellectual history of existentialism. Instead we drew on our own experiences of working through these issues.

You spoke of an aspiration to create an academy on the island of Haida Gwaii. What attracts you there? You had never spoken about the profession of teaching, yet you have taught and you are skilled in explanation and mentoring. Are you reluctant to choose that path?

I have had extraordinary teachers and I have drawn from life-changing bodies of knowledge, and I want to share what has most enriched my life. The academy would challenge its students to live with the greatest possible simultaneous commitments to self-development and self-knowledge, and to exist continually at their point of tension.  

I envision a holistic education as a counterpart and compliment to the narrower kind of education our undergraduates are getting, one that is at once too cerebral and yet inadequate to the goal of teaching individuals how to think, and not just how to speechify and formulate arguments for set convictions but to truly understand their convictions. The syllabus would be both typically Western and Eastern, in that it would entail an investigation into the character of modernity that would involve a serious study of the history of ideas, as well as a much more visceral and internal process of acquainting the individual with his or her own psychic process. The goal is to posit and establish a link between one’s flesh-and-blood consciousness and one’s ethical, political and aesthetic commitments, while helping one to access richer states of consciousness that one’s upbringing in Western modernity has perhaps left attenuated. Western philosophy itself has reached the point where it recognizes the necessary connection between embodied persons and their ideas, yet it utterly lacks a discipline such as the ancient rishis of India developed to purify and refine that connection and prepare individuals to liberate themselves from their conditioning and access the full range of powers of their own minds. This is why I include traditional martial arts in the curriculum — although traditional yoga could just as well serve the purpose. Western science cannot develop such a discipline, and nobody should wait for it to do so. A popular mythology of suspect provenance even holds that individuals are incapable of overcoming their conditioning, or of gaining any significant control over their psycho-mental process, and that freedom of will and freedom of thought are illusory. This is a formidable perspective that deserves consideration; but I would tempt the prospective student to consider that this is the conclusion of a dispirited kind of person, for whom the myth may indeed be true, but that there exist other possibilities for those willing to realize them. My role as an educator would be to present a student with this possibility. Our syllabus would be designed to prepare them for this work.

Haida Gwaii is an extraordinary land with a powerful energy and it is the traditional home of a remarkable people. This academy would be open to all, but I would hope to work closely with Haida youth and to find ways for non-Haida students to substantively learn from the Haida. The academy would aim to attract students from other parts of the world for a ‘gap-year’ that they could take at some point after graduating high school and before turning thirty, or as long as they retain the labile quality of youth.

People speak of privilege, admittedly often in a disingenuous way. How do you understand this concept, and what have you done with it in your life?

I have misgivings about the ascent of the concept of privilege in our culture. In its current usage it carries strong materialistic and individualistic overtones and implications that put it in direct contrast to what would otherwise be its counterpart in traditional culture, namely an expression of gratitude for the fact of one’s existence and for the endless bounties and harmonies of the world, including the blessings conferred on us by other people. It is extraordinary that the etymology of kufr, the word for the cardinal sin of Islam, disbelief or apostasy, in pre-Islamic Arabia denoted extreme, arrogant ingratitude. That this concept should have been adapted to express rebellion against God suggests the centrality of gratitude to at least one of the world’s major spiritual traditions. It would be found to have a central place in the others as well, I am sure. But modern culture characteristically perverts the sentiment by foregrounding privilege in its stead, actually rendering gratitude taboo. A privilege is something one enjoys for oneself or which others aspire to enjoy for themselves. It is spoken of as if it did not entail a proportionate duty, or the possibility that its possessor would choose to distribute its fruits. Gratitude is an attitude that actually encourages one to possess one’s advantages lightly by continually placing them in a higher perspective. But today the weightiest expression of civic morality, exercising power in a position of public trust, is reinterpreted as a privilege, as if it were not a sacred duty and a burden. This is why I think that the ascent of this concept points to a decay of our understanding and practice of power. The ethos of the modern world naturally sees only material advantage to the individual when it speaks of privileges. It is striking that this ethos has found an outlet in the progressivism of our day. To be sure, the fault lies primarily with our leaders and with those who have been given every opportunity to become valuable members of society but failed to wield their power with wisdom. Seemingly without fear of posthumous reproach and incapable of resisting conspicuous emolument, they have contributed most decisively to this breakdown in public trust. But I think it is important not to admit a way of speaking about privilege and access to resources that fundamentally misunderstands the purpose of power and sees only people who win and people who lose. The empirical reality might suggest that this is our world, and the hustlers themselves might think they are triumphing over such a world, but it is imperative to sustain, not the illusion, but the proper understanding of what power is for. To reinterpret power as mere privilege is to reproduce the social corruption that one decries.

I underwent a phase when I thought the cosmos was basically devoid of any compelling reason to abide by a sense of morality and duty or to aspire to anything. Then I realized that my life was something given to me on trust, and that I had to steward and develop myself for the sake of what I understand to be life’s imperatives. From this realization there was a relatively sensible road via Aristotle, Hobbes, Rousseau and Hegel back to the conception of civic responsibility that is motivating me today.

As to what I have done with the opportunities given to me in my life, I have tried to do them honour by brooking no slackness or half-measures from myself. That said, I have been on a winding path whose inner logic I have had to follow, and which often took me very far from ‘active duty.’ There was a seven year gap between my work in Kenya and my work in Kashmir during which I mostly lived the life of the mind, although I did some teaching. While I was working in Kenya, I realized that I would only be able to do as much good in the world as I had made good in myself. I resolved that I would acquire some substance and wisdom before I attempted to help others again. I also had the crisis of faith to which I just referred, which compelled me to search for a greater understanding of myself anyway. This led me into teaching and further formal study. My curriculum vitae has exactly mirrored my intellectual life since then.

You are a voracious reader, eclectic and yet disciplined to an extraordinary degree. How do you choose? What works had the most impact? What are you reading that has surprised you?

How do you understand the breadth of your intellectual curiosity? How have you explored it?

I try to read the right book at the right time. Usually I have an instinct for what would further my understanding. But there are times when I try something out prematurely or when I push my interest in a certain batch of books too far, when a sense of discipline detaches from a sense of pleasure and tries to carry on austerely. There should always be pleasure in reading.

When I was a teaching assistant at Tufts I was deeply impressed by the majestic scope of Hegel’s philosophy of history. I gave myself a comparable syllabus – I wanted to comprehend the world’s peoples and civilizations and especially their literary, religious and philosophical achievements. This elided with my specific interest in the problem of decline in history that I was contemplating at the time and that I continue to study. Because we have far more sources and translations available to us than 19th century philosophers of history did, the syllabus has grown to ridiculous proportions; but this fact is also a principal consolation of my life. I admire the emission of the 15th-16th century German humanist Ulrich von Hutten: ‘Oh century! Spirits wax strong; studies bloom; it is a joy to live!’

You live the life of the mind in both some of the most abstruse and sophisticated ways of thinking and argumentation. How does that translate into working with non-literate societies? Across cultures?

I do not have any interest in the abstruse way of communicating practiced by our campus philosophers and academics. I would think that good rhetoric is an obligation for the learned, especially for those with a ‘postmodern’ understanding of the nature of their work as entailing not the discovery but the creation of knowledge. I could no longer pursue my studies in academia because these kinds of contradictions were too pronounced.

My work with our team of therapists in Kashmir has been so challenging and rewarding because to present oneself as a coach among a team of highly trained individuals, one has to be what one wants to communicate. This had nothing to do with a language barrier, but with the basic fact that actions speak louder than words, and that people are greater arguments for ways of being than their arguments.


Giovana Manfrin

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Giovana is an alumna of the 2015-16 EPIIC '“Future of Europe” colloquium, where I first met her as a classmate. She graduated the following year with a BA in International Relations and a minor in Economics.

Originally from Curitiba, Brazil, she is currently a Research Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, where she analyzes data-driven policies, interventions, and evidence-based gender research for policy design and delivery with the Women and Public Policy Program (WAPPP). She works closely with the WAPPP Executive Director informing policymakers and stakeholders in different nations on strategies that close gender gaps in political leadership. Giovana also works with a network of international projects inspired on WAPPP’s political training program, the "From Harvard Square to the Oval Office: A Political Campaign Practicum," to help bring more women to the highest levels of political decision-making and statecraft.

The exchange below was conducted in the Fall of 2019. We discuss her unique and remarkable story, her time in EPIIC and at Tufts, her current aspirations and motivations, and the role she envisions for herself in the future.

As her friend, I value Giovana’s determination, candor, and warmth tremendously. It’s an honor to know her, and to be able to present her here.

- Jerome Krumenacker, 2019

EPIIC was one of the first experiences you opted into upon entering Tufts. What drew you to the course as a recent transfer student? What was most meaningful to you about the experience? 

The theme was “The Future of Europe” when I transferred to Tufts in the Fall of 2015. What first drew me into EPIIC was my novice problematization of Europe. Brazilian by nationality, I didn’t know much about studies of Europe. But I knew enough to find issues with that broad categorization – just as Brazil has very little in common with other regions in Latin America (more so internally and across many pockets of Brazilian communities), being insensitive to the minutiae of the European fabric, I thought, would make any student of the world very shortsighted.[1]

Unlike any other class, “The Future of Europe” – and the larger EPIIC colloquium experience – turned out to defy any and all neat assumptions of statehood, unity, conflict, peace, and statecraft. In every session, I felt a level of pressure and chaos that would boil my blood. I never ceased to feel challenged but, strangely, I also felt homeward-bound. Now that I look back, it had indeed been a while since I had last felt the drive that EPIIC re-installed in me.

Perhaps because I was brought up that way, I am someone who gets interested in navigating complex situations, people, and places. I grew up in a somewhat turbulent environment where poverty, angst, and dreams met. As a result, very broadly, I learned to appreciate – and frequently look for – some degree of chaos in life. Complex and convoluted situations and domains – from individuals to ideas and work-place environments – have always taught me how to seek the highest levels of wisdom, to come up with the most creative solutions, and to find the greatest fulfillment in working with others. So, when I quit my decades-old career as a ballerina to continue my undergraduate studies of international relations at Tufts, I was uncomfortably numb.

Gladly I met the IGL, and was accepted into the EPIIC 2015-2016 cohort. The class itself was my own version of Brendan Simms’s Europe: The Struggle for Supremacy, from 1453 to the Present – our first assignment, the 720-page book that we read within the first few weeks of the semester. Just like Simms’s book, EPIIC delved deeply into the account of the past half-millennium of European history, but (unlike the book) never forgetting the traditionally-marginalized angles that are often left out of conversations about state formation: multiculturalism (as read in Pallavi Aiyar’s The New Old World); the politics of memory (as we learned from Dan Stone’s Goodbye to All That? The Story of Europe since 1945); and political disfranchisement (as seen from the many readings on migration referred by Mark Miller, Julia Stewart-David and Kelly Greenhill). Just like the many ideas of Europe, every EPIIIC session that year was illuminating, and revealing. EPIIC brought color again into my every-day.

All in all, I needed the level of difficulty and intensity that EPIIC was about to offer; as soon as I heard the rumors about the class being “too much,” I was sold. I wasn’t wrong – it was indeed very demanding. But it became one of my most enriching life/school experiences. Little did I know that the friendships that I made in EPIIC would also come to stay. Today, they are my dearest and most trusted circle of friends. Liam, Jérôme, Maria, Mile, Paulina, Raasika, Reece (in alphabetical order, or else they’ll lose my number) and everyone else from our year, as well as folks who were also part of the larger EPIIC/IGL ecosystem – Cody Valdes, Heather Barry, Jacob Throwe, Rizwan Ladha, and most uniquely, Sherman – are essential components of one of the strongest pillars of my support system.

To “what was most meaningful to me” about the EPIIC experience community, not only I rediscovered my purpose as a student, but I also found my most loyal friends. Overall, I also regained the best version of myself – one which I thought had gotten lost for good.

You had a very unique background compared to others in that EPIIC class, or at Tufts in general - most of us expected from a much younger age to come to an American liberal arts university for our chosen field of study, and I don’t recall meeting anyone else who was on track to become a professional ballet dancer. How did you come to your interest in global affairs, and what can you say in retrospect about the transition? Did you perceive your relatively circuitous path as an advantage, or as barrier? How do you feel about it now? 

I became interested in “international relations” as a field of study from a professor at Miami Dade College (where I studied before transferring to Tufts), an inspiring woman of incredible character who did an even more incredible job helping us understand the impacts of international security on individual people’s lives. Later on, I studied these links again at a class at The Fletcher School on nuclear politics with Francesca Giovannini. But my ever-growing interest in deeper cultural intelligence has been part of me much earlier than that.

It is hard for me to explain in words, but I remember always thinking about how other parts of the world behaved, so as to see how we could learn from one another, in an effort to become better citizens of the same globe. Likely because of the pervasive inequalities that surrounded me, I was never satisfied with the theories from geography, religion, and history alone. I always tried to look for better answers for why politics and modern economic growth have led some places to be so institutionally dysfunctional. Fast forward to now, I like to think of IR as an ideal opportunity to absorb the contributions from every individual social science. Jérôme and I were talking about this the other evening over jazz records and wine.

Letting go of my ballet career wasn’t easy. I was dancing since I was 2 and had my last performance was when I was 21. Like I mentioned, I lacked a bit of purpose as the years went by after I stopped dancing. But experiences like EPIIC reaffirmed my passion for that deep curiosity and solicitous worldview to addressing the world’s most gruesome problems. I got to act on that childhood tenacity, because the constant turmoil and instability of regions that I was learning about put me on an unending road of learning from people.

On adapting from being a ballerina to an aspiring diplomat – it felt to me nearly the same as when I took my first solo flight to Miami, when I was 16, when I left home. When I watched the plane contour the immense curve from the south of Brazil to the south of Florida, I realized that there were more than two Americas, and a bigger world to be understood; other “theaters” to be studied.

On the roads that stretch behind us, this hasn’t always been possible, but I learned to embrace my background as a ballerina. Today I think that my understanding of people and of the world to be much more unconventional – in terms of being nuanced and apt to integrate factors that traditional IR theories have forgotten about. To me, this essentially means studying gender, racial and cognitive diversity, heterogenous preferences within a state demographic, faith, food, dialects, and all of the intersectional variations of the social, intellectual, economic, political, cultural, geographic, linguistic, analytical, human gamut that compose international affairs.  

You found unanticipated new passions and sources of inspiration during your senior year at Tufts, not least the course on nuclear security you took at Fletcher. How did your experience in EPIIC draw you to these opportunities, and prepare you for them? How do they continue to influence you? 

What I learned in EPIIC became a valuable tool that I will always take with me – to be always analytical and humble, however the segment within international affairs. I like to think that we will always be students of world politics, independent of the level of field experience acquired. World/international politics are complex by virtue and in “kaleidoscopic” levels; as such, EPIIC showed me that by being humble in garnering and seeking all facets of knowledge, studying politics can be a very efficient approach to potentially solving problems of global scale.

This encouraged me to venture into the politics of nuclear energy, which turned out to be a very meaningful way that I found to understand international security. Nuclear, both as a technological and foreign policy tool, is source of geopolitical instability. I saw it recently happen with Brazil at the turn of administrations, with the rapid expansion of our nuclear-fueled submarine that had been somewhat dormant – to the worries of the IAEA. 

That aside, I will always strive to be most humble and analytical in my pursuits within the IR field. Currently, I work on the intersection of politics and economics, assessing evidence-based policy across countries that focus on the merits of gender equality in political leadership. More simply put, I analyze political, economic, and social landscapes, in an effort to disseminate data-driven solutions to governments about what works to create gender equality in parliaments around the world. 

The collection of these experiences showed me that I am very “data-heavy.” By data I mean everything from the intangible qualities that are very hard to code in a dataset, such as preferences or patterns of behavior, to the coordinates of geospatial data. Although I am fierce about working within the domains of international security within international relations, EPIIC has broaden my horizons by teaching me to be, again, analytical and humble.

How did the Women and Public Policy Program at the Kennedy School become your destination after graduation? How have you grown in your roles there, and what you learned from them? 

I think that the Women and Public Policy Program (WAPPP) is one of the very few evidence-based think-tanks within a larger policy environment that is the Harvard Kennedy School. In my senior year at Tufts, I was looking to get more proficient in applying that deep level of analysis into the practical world of politics. My objective after graduating was to learn how to be an effective political analyst regardless of area of focus within world politics. Not having had any prior formal teaching on the role of gender, the focus of WAPPP on global gender equity really challenged me, and gave me the opportunity to enrich the range and depth of my knowledge of international affairs more than I expected.

I started at WAPPP first as an undergraduate intern working part-time during my senior year. I was then hired into working very closely with the Executive Director after graduation in 2017. A year after, I became a fellow managing research projects on gender and politics, traveling internationally at short notice, and always analyzing data-driven tools that help governments effectively capacitate gender diversity, parity, and inclusion into political leadership. It has been the mission of creating intersectional diversity in politics and how important that is for peace and security that motivated my long hours and unexpected travels.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have learned how to apply a gender lens in international relations from WAPPP. Unfortunately, this has been severely under-appreciated by IR scholars left and right. I very much hope this can change and would expect that, going forward, it becomes its own required module in IR curricula, and that it also further becomes more actively sought by students and teachers, academics and practitioners alike.

What’s next for you? Longterm?

I have always thought of myself as becoming a diplomat within defense and security later on. The job of a diplomat working with disarmament affairs or ethical AI governance, for example, would fall in that category.

Because I think the road into diplomacy is a long one, I would love to gradually grow into that direction. With that, I see myself working next with geopolitics and intelligence. I know that this may sound like a diversion, but to be successful in these roles, I would love to purse an advanced degree in economics. As a researcher working with political data, I have developed great respect and value for evidence-based, data-driven strategies, which is enabled by quantitative research. This is confidential for now, but I am going to apply (and hopefully get accepted into) the Tufts MS in Economics.

In essence, I see myself being able to work very well across the spectrum: (1) mastering data collection and analysis (which my current role at WAPPP has allowed me to do, and which a master’s degree in economics would take me to a higher level); (2) distilling and disseminating information to stakeholders (which the role of a geopolitical or intelligence analysts entails); and (3) enacting a policy decision in the realm of defense and security. The core problem that I see with diplomacy is that diplomats don’t have much of a role in informing political decisions. But right now, I am only 25, and have plenty of time to reflect on, and to learn.

[1] One of the class readings, The Idea of Europe: An Essay by George Steiner, made me settle on a just notion what Europe is. The Idea of Europe is now my favorite prose.


Reece Wallace

I am a Tufts alumnus and proud member of EPIIC’s 2015-2016 colloquium on the Future of Europe. With encouragement from Sherman, IGL staff and my EPIIC classmates, I was supported at every step of my college journey across the social sciences and humanities and from Medford to Oxford and back.

Graduating with a degree in philosophy in 2019, I went on to focus in philosophy at the University of Chicago’s Master of Arts Program in the Humanities. My thesis centered on the moral and political philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr., weaving together longstanding interests in the interface between philosophy, intellectual history, and “the real world”.

I have since worked as a writer in a range of professional contexts. After a stint as a reporter on the financial industry, I worked as a proposal writer for the Foundation and Institutional Advisory practice at AllianceBernstein, a global asset manager. I currently work on proposal writing and business development for the Foundations and Endowments Specialty Practice at Truist Bank.

I look forward to more professional twists and turns as I explore the challenges and opportunities around me. For now, I’m happy to have landed back in my hometown of Houston, where I enjoy reading, fishing, and mild winters. 

This exchange was had during his time as a Masters student at the University of Chicago. We begin with his time at Tufts and in EPIIC. We touch upon his chief interests in moral and political philosophy, literature, history, and the humanities generally. We also discuss his aspirations to find a vocation in teaching, practicing journalism, or otherwise engaging in the publishing and editorial world. I expect he will find the means to combine his many interests and pursuits, knowing him to be both a deep thinker and an integrator of ideas. I know he will do great things in any and all domains he engages in.

Reece is among the most thoughtful and intellectually principled people I’ve met. It’s a privilege to have known him as a classmate in EPIIC, and now to have him as a friend.

- Jerome Krumenacker, 2019

EPIIC was one of the first experiences you opted into entering Tufts. What drew you to the course as a freshman? How did it shape the rest of your college experience?  

I probably would never have heard of EPIIC if it hadn't been for Caitlin Thompson, who at the time I started at Tufts was an upperclassman instructor in the Experimental College and my orientation leader. She spoke about EPIIC in a way that no one else was talking about their schoolwork. I couldn't quite tell what she was getting at (who can know what they're really getting into before they actually get into EPIIC?) but something about the challenge, the camaraderie, and the clarity of purpose she described cut through the noise of orientation week. I went to Sherman's information session a few days later and somehow decided I would give this thing a shot. It was the first academic and intellectual risk I'd ever really taken, but it felt like the right one to take.

In the short term, EPIIC gave me a taste of social science and its complicated interface with the world. It helped me hone in on themes I found resonant and let me follow up on those interests. In my case, those interests tended in the direction of political theory, which is part of the reason I went on to major in philosophy.

As much as any experience I had in college, EPIIC taught me to seek out difficulty. To seek out difficult ideas and debates, but also to seek out the complex social circumstances they're embedded in. It's easy (for me, anyway) to go through the motions, seeking the path of least resistance and avoiding the intellectual and social-emotional risks of important work. But you just can't do that and succeed in a project like EPIIC. You need to learn to be confident in what you know and honest about everything you don't. You need to trust other people and take seriously the trust they put in you. You need to know how to lead and how to follow. You need a sense of your horizons. I think EPIIC gave me those skills and that sense. 

Overall, The experience was breathtaking--breathtakingly challenging, breathtakingly fun, breathtakingly meaningful. I came away from the year with new standards for myself and my work, and friends who continue to hold me to them.

Is there anything particularly unique and meaningful about the friendships you made?

I'm definitely introverted, and often shy to boot, but I love people. More often than I'd like, I have the experience of wanting deeply to connect with and feel comfortable around people I admire and feeling like I fail at it. There are steps I can take to improve myself and manage that feeling, but to some extent I think it'll follow me wherever I go. For whatever reason, though, the friends I made in EPIIC are that rare type who put me totally at ease. Not intellectually at ease (they can think circles around me), but as their friend and fellow traveler. My friends from EPIIC are some of most thoughtful, kind, and humane folks I know.

You studied philosophy at Tufts, and I know you to be sensitive to the tension between the life of the mind and the call to civic engagement. How have you navigated that tension through your time at Tufts? How did EPIIC influence your approach?

Philosophy felt like the right place to sit with various tensions. For one, it's right there at the intersection of the humanities and social sciences, disciplines I love and whose boundaries are very porous. Although they're often hybrids, I think philosophers are very much humanists in this respect: they worry about how and whether they can justify their work in a world that demands action. There are purists who dismiss this worry, but more who take it seriously. The professors and classmates I found in philosophy, as in so many other places at Tufts, grappled honestly with the tension of theory and practice. In particular, I'm grateful to have been a student of Lionel McPherson and Erin Kelly, excellent thinkers who shaped the academic interests I'm pursuing in grad school. Maybe most of all, I admire Susan Russinoff, my advisor. She's a fantastic teacher and an advocate anyone would be lucky to have. They are all people who recognized their stake in the world and took responsibility for it. I think I discovered that ethos in EPIIC, and I've tried to stay close by it ever since. 

Near the end of my time at Tufts I had the chance to join the Ethics Bowl team, one of the nerdier things I did as an undergraduate (and that's saying something). I joined up at the prompting of some good friends and with the encouragement of Professor Russinoff, our coach and sponsor. As a practical ethics contest, it falls naturally at the intersection of philosophy and the world, of thinking and acting. This was a place I wanted to be.

I didn't realize at the time that Ethics Bowl would lead me farther beyond the ivory tower than I had imagined. In my last semester, my teammates and I traveled to MCI Concord, a prison, to work with incarcerated students on ethical reasoning and help facilitate a version of our competition. It was intense, humbling, and amazing to start a conversation with the students at Concord about justice and punishment and the ways we have of thinking through our responsibilities to each other. I can't imagine a higher purpose for philosophy, for academia, or for life than to struggle with these issues.

You have a deep interest in a broad range of eclectic topics, including, for example, international justice, theory of mind, and nuclear security. What core principles and convictions tie together how you think about these themes?

I wish I had a good answer! The honest through-line is probably that I have too much time on my hands. Like a lot of topics I'm interested in, they are all conditions in the lives we live and the society we share. They’re all given, in the sense that they came before us, but not in the sense that they're unchanging. I think if we pay attention, we can notice the circumstances under which they do change, and consider what that means for us. 

I've been thinking especially about how notions of identity condition us to think about ourselves and the problems we face. Racial, ethnic, gender, and national identities are all critical background conditions which, as we're seeing now, sometimes break into the foreground in our personal and political lives. They are incredibly consequential, and yet they change constantly, and faster than we recognize. I'm interested in how and whether philosophical analysis can pinpoint what we mean when we talk about these identities, how we use these identities in practice, and how we ought to think about, talk about, and use them. 

What drew you to the Masters in the Humanities at the University of Chicago? Will you gravitate to a particular discipline, or choose a multidisciplinary focus?

I'll probably focus somewhere between political philosophy and literature. If that doesn't sound like a focus, well, I can't argue with that. Unlike a lot of other, more specialized master's programs, the MAPH allows you to work across and even beyond the traditional humanities disciplines over the course of the degree. I think a tragedy of the disciplines, or at least of grad school, is that you have to sacrifice so much interesting, worthwhile stuff in order to gain "expertise" in something. I really appreciate that I can make my own way here and stave off some of the pressure to specialize for a little while. 

What are the virtues of generalizing? How does resisting specialization allow you to grow in ways you might otherwise not?

Hopefully I'll learn more and more about the virtues of generalizing as I go! As far as growth is concerned, I think being a generalist forces you to first articulate and then address problems and projects, making the case for their importance in terms that aren't domain-specific. Needless to say, we can't do without specialists. But I think specialists sometimes fall into a blinkered worldview that sets the agenda for them. Often that's what we want--it's an efficient way for super-competent people to prioritize and throw themselves at prescribed challenges. On the other hand, there's always going to be an important place for people who, because they don't have the scaffolding of a particular professional community or a narrow skill set, have to set think hard about setting the agenda in light of the connections they see between things.

What’s next for you? What are your aspirations?

I'm using this year to hone my academic and non-academic writing skills, which I'd love to put to use somehow.

From there, whether I go the PhD route or not, I plan to give myself at least a year out in the real world, and I'd like to fill it with something worthwhile.  

By "real world," I mean the world that exists outside the incentive structure of the research university system. I think it's hard to overstate how much that incentive system distorts values, relationships, and self-image (in good and bad ways), and it's always worth reminding myself of that fact as I consider the costs and benefits of a career in or outside academia.

Journalism really interests me, for example. Teaching, too. Ultimately I don't want to be too precious about what comes next. I want to be grateful for now, and for all the opportunities I'm unbelievably lucky to have moving forward.

What draws you to writing and journalism? The joy of the act? An impact you aspire to have?

Both! My own writing certainly hasn't made an impact in the world, but it has definitely impacted me. There will never be anything else like writing as a tool for learning. And when it's done really well, it's one of the best forms for sharing what you've learned. I hope that someday I'll have learned something well enough to help someone else understand it. I would be in a position to do for others what great writers do for me every day.

Whose writing and philosophy do you admire?

These days I'm interested in  Emmanuel Levinas, Hannah Arendt, and especially Martin Luther King, Jr. Each of them formulated compelling responses to unimaginable injustice. In King's case, he's only fairly recently been taken up by scholars as a full-fledged philosopher instead of rather than just a great orator. This is long overdue--his thinking about justice, ethics, and nonviolence are subtle, powerful, and highly relevant today. 


The Life That Remains: Photographing America’s Rural Spaces

Photo: Danny Wilcox Frazier

Photo: Danny Wilcox Frazier


Taught by Danny Wilcox Frazier, this tuition-free workshop invites photographers with strong connections and commitment to rural issues, both in and outside of the United States, to the small town of Mexico, Missouri. The weeklong program is funded by VII to support photographers from low-income communities as well as those working on issues about underrepresented populations.

Mexico, like many cities in the Midwest, is a town built on a small industry that no longer exists there. Over 22% of the population lives below the poverty line, along with nearly 29% of children and 70% of mixed-race residents. The workshop will not shy away from the struggles many residents in Mexico face, but will also emphasize the perseverance and strength that the town’s residents have long shown. Small-town America is full of life, a perspective often lost in oversimplified views from the outside.

The thrust of the workshop will be to help photographers bring a unique personal voice to their projects, and take home a new way of seeing not only their own work but also the world of documentary photography. The experience will instill strong technical skills to transform photographs from single images into photographic series. The workshop will also teach the fundamentals of visual literacy and how to use photography as a tool for social justice.  

In committee with VII Academy Curator Yonola Viguerie, VII Trustee Jennifer Gross, and VII Foundation Manager of Operations Amber Maitland, below are our selections for the workshop.

A retrospective on the workshop and its value to the participants can be found here.

Foundry Photojournalism Workshop

“Foundry comes to the heart of Africa and invites photographers from across the continent and beyond to a week of inspiration and education.

We look forward to continuing the workshop started by Eric and Sharon Beecroft and made possible by
all the loyal Foundry volunteers over the years!

Seven days of inspiration.

Each evening students attend presentations from our world-class list of instructors: photojournalists who regularly work with and for National Geographic, The New York Times, TIME, Newsweek, Stern, and countless other international publications.

Seven days of education.

With classes for beginners to professional photojournalists, our instructors challenge and teach you how to create visual stories.

Seven days of community.

Foundry is a bonding experience that creates friendships and networks that last a lifetime.”

This workshop’s tremendous and numerous instructors are Edward Echwalu, Andrew Esiebo, Mariella Furrer, Ron Haviv, Krisanne Johnson, Daniel Schwartz, my former student Nicki Sobecki, Sarah Waiswa.

Given the large number of positions open to participants, we divided the applicants between Jerome and I, Nicki, Ron, and Jennifer Gross, according to financial need. Below are the selections Jerome and I made from the tranche we were assigned.

Here is a retrospective on the workshop and its impact on participants.

A reaction to Stephen Miller

Today, I read with ongoing dismay a profile of Stephen Miller, for me one of the most odious and noxious characters of the Trump entourage. I had initially thought that Steve Bannon with his admiration for Julius Evola

would be the flag-bearer of disaster, but Miller has proven far more invidious.

It is so sad for me, as I identify strongly with my Jewish cultural heritage and inspired by its prophetic ideals, to realize and acknowledge that this man has Jewish origins, though he has already repudiated by members of his family and his rabbi. To know he is not fazed by the scenes of forcible family separations and refugees in US detention camps, but rather eager to promote such policies as an alleged deterrent, is mortifying.

Similarly, I am astounded and horrified by the news that members of high school varsity water polo teams in Orange County CA celebrated their victories with the sieg heil and the playing of Wehrmacht songs.

However, I also continue to be surprised at my own naive reaction, since I now recognize there are many millions of my fellow citizens who subscribe to racist nationalist thinking, and with the fecklessness of a degraded, slavish, sycophantic GOP, I no longer wonder how the Weimar Republic succumbed to Nazi control in the 1930s. My nightmare is that I am living through such times.

A few days ago, I saw the following quote, which has been widely circulating, and I imagine that many of you have as well:

“Families are torn apart; men, women and children are separated. Children come back from school to find that their parents have disappeared. Women return from shopping to find their houses sealed, their families gone.”

Though they describe scenes now tragically familiar to us in the aftermath of the recent ICE raids, these words are not from contemporary ties. They are chillingly an excerpt from the diary of Anne Frank.

Iris and I just saw the film Who Will Write Our History? at the Am HaYam Havurah Film Festival in Wellfleet, documenting the courageous life of Emanuel Ringelblum and other Nazi-resistors in the Warsaw ghetto. It chronicles their effort to record that desperate episode of the Holocaust through documenting their quotidian life in stashes of secret buried archives.

The film has astounding relevance for today, particularly in the manner in which the Nazi propaganda machine portrayed the Jews in despicable racist terms. The role of Jewish police in the roundup and deportation in the Warsaw ghetto is portrayed as a pathetically misguided act of desperation by individuals hoping to save their lives and their families. What horrid choices were presented by the Nazis in such extreme circumstances.

That we now have members of our own Jewish community such as Kushner or Miller is so demoralizing, and calls for strenuous counteraction. “Never Again,” must mean “Never Again to Anyone.”

I think the Mass Association of Social Studies teachers should include this film in their curriculum.

I began my Institute’s Inquiry high school program in 1999 when I was asked by teachers who were affiliated with Educators for Social Responsibility (now Engaging Schools), based in Cambridge, to address a meeting of their membership and the general membership of the MASST about the curriculum I instigated for the 1998 EPIIC Covert Action and Democracy year. We created a curriculum for the Association. It was written by my good friend Professor Steve Cohen, who I soon thereafter hired as Inquiry’s first coordinator. Its researcher was Heather Barry, my EPIIC student in 1998 , who is currently the Institute’s Associate Director.

Jess Ostfeld joins LEAP

IMG_7056-3 - Jess Ostfeld.jpg

Jess is one of the wonderful students I had the pleasure to mentor in my role for the Albright Institute at Wellesley College. Given her interest and undergraduate research in environmental policy and sustainability, I introduced her to Peter and to LEAP, which sponsored her internship in water research in France’s Alsace region. Jess kept a journal to which she recollected the following in 2019:

This week was an introduction to the subject matter, study site, and my colleagues. This summer, I will be helping Agnes Lambardche collect data for her thesis on hydrology of groundwater-fed streams in the Alsace region. Last summer, Serge Dumont noticed that these streams reached such low levels that fish and plants perished. In the nearby areas farms use groundwater during the summer to water their fields, particularly maise. Maize, or corn, does not normally grow in France, but its production has been encouraged by EU policies, such as the CAP program. These dynamics show just how complex the issue is, how it is has been shaped by local geography and commerce, regional and national agricultural goals, and international policy. 

University of Strasbourg PhD student Agnes Labarchede, and her advisor, Geography and Development Professor Carmen De Jong, have done a wonderful job in working with governmental agencies so that there is minimum overlap and maximum collaboration. One of the main reasons why I wanted to work with Carmen and Agnes this summer was to learn how to work with policymakers and governmental agencies to shape policy through research. Given Carmen’s previous work on artificial snow, the resulting media stories, and her success in shaping policy at her focal sites, I have hope that their research will help improve Grand Est (the French Region within which the study is taking place) water management. Over the summer, I look forward to learning from them both about successful stakeholder involvement, media relations, and how to translate complicated scientific jargon into something everybody can understand. 

After the image: Making Books and Exhibitions


“This three-day workshop with Philip Blenkinsop and Daniel Schwartz in Sarajevo addresses the critical period between the end of a photographic project and the moment when a designer genius embarks on squeezing your images and vision into a book that will neither make you proud nor rich, or when an artist-turned-curator hijacks them to illustrate his agenda. In other words, the period when you need to exercise an author’s authority but still want to listen to those with experience in making books and exhibitions. Generally, it is a period marked by mental exhaustion, self-doubt, and disappointment. Nothing you had envisaged in the field seems to work on pages or walls. Your “best” images prevent you from seeing the true good ones, and there are gaps in the narrative which you are not able to bridge. You stare at your work and your work stares back at you. You are locked in a struggle that is neither stalemate nor armistice. What you need is a breakthrough! To see your work from the outside. But how to achieve this perspective? Moreover, not every great photographer is the best editor or curator of her/his own work.”

This workshop asked critical questions:

  • Why, in the first place, make a book or an exhibition?

  • If you can choose, which should it be: a book or an exhibition?

  • When should you think about a book or an exhibition?

  • What are the motivation and raison d’être of a book or an exhibition?

  • Will it be a book or an exhibition that flatters your ego or that makes an impact?

  • Do you envisage a book or an exhibition before you set out to take the photographs?

  • Or do you want to turn an existing body of work into a book or an exhibition simply because you want to move on?

  • Who will publish the book? Who will host the exhibition?

  • Who is your audience?

Participants, selected from across the Balkan region, brought existing bodies of work or work in progress, photocopies or prints of the images considered, flat plan sketches and drafts of book dummies or maquettes. During the workshop, they were encouraged to forego InDesign and other digital platforms, and use physical spreads of their printed work to explore the composition of a book or exhibition.

In committee with VII photographer Ron Haviv, and VII Foundation staff Diane Wargnier and Amber Maitland, we selected the participants below as scholarship recipients for the workshop.

A retrospective on the workshop and its value to the participants can be found here.

Ukrainian Stories

Photo by Anush Babajanyan

Photo by Anush Babajanyan

During this nine-day workshop, each participant will go through the beautiful process of building a story, with the support of John Stanmeyer and Anush Babajanyan. In addition to practical work, lectures on narrative development, the language of photography and the art of visual storytelling will be given. There will be discussions about today’s constantly changing field of photography and how your career and purpose expands through the art of visual narratives and social media communication.

The creation of a concise body of work is one of the aims of this workshop, but the most important goal is the learning experience itself, and the beautiful process of overcoming the challenges while making a story happen. These gatherings with Anush and John are more spiritual and expansive than pragmatic.

This workshop will teach, but it will also inspire participants to become a better photographer and visual storyteller. VII also believes in the importance of creating and expanding its community by sharing intimately and candidly the experience of decades in the field of its photographers.

In committee with VII Academy Curator Yonola Viguerie, VII Trustee Jennifer Gross, and VII Foundation Manager of Operations Amber Maitland, here are our selections for the workshop:

Nichole Sobecki - "Her Take: (Re)Thinking Masculinity"

One of my extraordinarily talented former students, Nichole “Nicki” Sobecki, is now one of the VII Photo Agency’s photographers.

She has just visited Boston with other members of the “Seven of VII” - the seven women of VII Photo Agency - to present on their project “Her Take: (Re)Thinking Masculinity.”

Nicki is an EPIIC alumna, and one of the first formidable student leaders in the Institute’s inaugural photojournalism program, Exposure.

Her stellar undergraduate documentary work with Exposure included A Khmer Prognosis: Health in Cambodia, Disarming the Kibus: Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Battle for Lebanon: The Nahr Al Bared Conflict, and Between Bhutto and the Border in Pakistan. In Rwanda, she also created the Amahoro Project: Obstacles and Advances in Rwandan Reconstruction (Amahoro Kinyarwanda word for “peace”).

She shot and edited the video documentary “The Luckiest Man: Gun Violence in Urban America,” and “Shooting for Peace” in Uganda.

Nicki presenting her photography

Nicki presenting her photography

I brought her and her colleagues in “Seven of VII” to the Albright Institute at Wellesley, where she also presented her work on refugees impacted by climate change in Africa.

One of her colleagues who presented with her was Sara Terry. LINK

Sara was one of Exposures mentors, and her Aftermath Project co-led Exposure trips in Uganda and at Wounded Knee.

Sara Terry, center

Sara Terry, center

College Freedom Forum, Boston

The Human Rights Foundation has just convened a highly successful College Freedom Forum in Boston, a formidable evening presenting inspiring and compelling witnesses to our hostile current international environment for human rights.

The speakers provided a wonderful juxtaposition between the cautiously optimistic scholarly context provided by Steven Pinker; the unbelievable courage of Abdalaziz Alhamza in the face of ISIS death squads; the galvanizing presence of Leyla Hussein, who is highlighting female genital mutilation as a global human rights issue; the candor and good humor of Enes Kanter in the face of persecution by Erdogan’s regime in Turkey (luckily, since he was traded to Portland, I will not need to have any rooting interest in the Knicks!); the incredible performance, resilience, and moral courage of Wuilly Arteaga; and Ti-Anna Wang’s ordeal as the daughter of a Chinese prisoner of conscience.

Our intent was to create this program as a consortium of universities and colleges in Greater Boston. Of the 275 people who attended the three hour event, most students from over twenty universities and colleges, including Harvard, Northeastern, Boston University, Boston College, Wellesley, Tufts, and Emerson.

Eliza Ennis, Abdalaziz Alhamza, Amitai Abouzaglo

Eliza Ennis, Abdalaziz Alhamza, Amitai Abouzaglo

The Forum was co-sponsored by the International Relations Council of Harvard University, with the invaluable help of their wonderful President Eliza Ennis. Without her intervention, we would not have been able to secure Harvard’s Science Center as our venue, and our audience would have been quite diminished. The International Relations Council will act as the liaison of the Human Rights Foundation at Harvard, and will be responsible for selecting each successive generation of Harvard Oslo Scholars.

I was delighted to see Amitai, who last year was selected to be the first Oslo Scholar from Harvard. I am excited to see the development of his Embodying Peace in Israel-Palestine initiative.

Steven Pinker, Jianli Yang

Steven Pinker, Jianli Yang

It was wonderful to reconnect with Jianli Yang, a Chinese dissident who began his activist career at Tiananmen Square, and founder of the Citizen Power Initiatives for China. I keynoted his conference on constitutional issues and minority rights in China at the Weston Theological Center, and worked to help secure his release in 2007 when he was a prisoner of conscience in solitary confinement in China for his nonviolent labor rights activism.

Abdalaziz Alhamza, Amitai Abouzaglo, Jerome Krumenacker

Abdalaziz Alhamza, Amitai Abouzaglo, Jerome Krumenacker

Wuilly Arteaga

Wuilly Arteaga

Wintersession Culmination

The culminating project of the Albright Fellows occurs during Wintersession, when the students give group research presentations before the Scholar in Residence. This year, they presented to Amb. Samantha Power.

I had last met Samantha when she and I were ushers at the memorial service of a wonderful mutual friend, Amb. Jonathan Moore, at Harvard’s Memorial Church.

I approached her to ask if she would deliver an inaugural Lecture on Ethics and Global Affairs at Institute for Global Leadership in honor of Jonathan, and she agreed. This is the last program I initiated for the Institute.

Albright Institute Faculty Director, Professor Takis Metaxas, and Ambassador Samantha Power

Albright Institute Faculty Director, Professor Takis Metaxas, and Ambassador Samantha Power

Takis Metaxas and Secretary Madeleine Albright

Takis Metaxas and Secretary Madeleine Albright

Albright Institute Wintersession

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The most gratifying aspect of Wintersession for me is meaningfully interacting with the wonderfully impressive Fellows.

I look forward to working with them, opening my network to them, and connecting them to experts and practitioners I know in the subject areas they will be researching for their group presentations to Samantha Power.

As one example, yesterday I had breakfast with a close friend, Dan Holmberg, who is open to corresponding with all of the Fellows. He has decades of experience in foreign aid, disaster response, and public health issues in Africa and the Middle East.

I am also enthusiastic to learn of the personal and professional trajectories and aspirations of the Fellows, and hope to assist them into the future wherever I can. Among the students who spoke with me on the opening day, one already has an admirable background in sustainable development and is interested in the LISD’s LEAP program.

Another is a young woman from Kashmir who intends to work in development in the region upon graduating, and would love to be connected to Healing Kashmir, whose founding director Justine Hardy is a good friend, and whose program manager is my wonderful former student Cody Valdes.

Here are the research groups and their eclectic topics:

The Legacy of the Arab Spring in EgyptRhea Mehta, Sabrina Beaver, Yuxi Xia, Tanvi Kodali, Mariana Hernandez

The Legacy of the Arab Spring in Egypt

Rhea Mehta, Sabrina Beaver, Yuxi Xia, Tanvi Kodali, Mariana Hernandez

Climate Change Lawsuits by Youth Against AustraliaAlexandra Saueressig, Charlotte Kaufman, Megumi Murakami, Annabel Rothschild, Kavindya Thennakoon

Climate Change Lawsuits by Youth Against Australia

Alexandra Saueressig, Charlotte Kaufman, Megumi Murakami, Annabel Rothschild, Kavindya Thennakoon

Populist Authoritarianism in BrazilSarah Smith-Tripp, Hazel Wan Hei Leung, Aniqa Hassan, Christine Halle Rubera, Emma Burke

Populist Authoritarianism in Brazil

Sarah Smith-Tripp, Hazel Wan Hei Leung, Aniqa Hassan, Christine Halle Rubera, Emma Burke

Authoritarian Challenges to the European UnionFrances Dingivan, Xiao Rosaling Liang, Abeer Dhanani, Maheen Akram, Emma Carter-LaMarche

Authoritarian Challenges to the European Union

Frances Dingivan, Xiao Rosaling Liang, Abeer Dhanani, Maheen Akram, Emma Carter-LaMarche

Tech Policy in the Chinese MarketGabriela Varela, Sarah Winshel, Natalia Bard, Aida El Kohen, Jessica Ostfeld

Tech Policy in the Chinese Market

Gabriela Varela, Sarah Winshel, Natalia Bard, Aida El Kohen, Jessica Ostfeld

Democratizing Access to Antimalarial MedicationSoumaya Difallah, Tarushi Nigam Sinha, Daria Osipova, Hollis Rammer, Esa Tilija (not present)

Democratizing Access to Antimalarial Medication

Soumaya Difallah, Tarushi Nigam Sinha, Daria Osipova, Hollis Rammer, Esa Tilija (not present)

Political Violence in South AfricaYookyung Sandra Chung, Denise Becerra, Yashna Shivdasani, Mar Berrera, Alberta Born-Weiss

Political Violence in South Africa

Yookyung Sandra Chung, Denise Becerra, Yashna Shivdasani, Mar Berrera, Alberta Born-Weiss

Erasure of Rohingya Cultural Identity and Narratives in MyanmarTine Oginga, Elizabeth Lambert, Maggie Ugelstad, Catherine Stauber, Malak AlSayyad

Erasure of Rohingya Cultural Identity and Narratives in Myanmar

Tine Oginga, Elizabeth Lambert, Maggie Ugelstad, Catherine Stauber, Malak AlSayyad

VII Foundation Newsletter


The VII Foundation is entering a very exciting 2019, with the culmination of its Peace Project, the creation of a full-fledged Academy in Perpigan, France, and much else.

I have finished reviewing the manuscript for the forthcoming Peace Project book, which I found fascinating and tremendously powerful. The book, which will cover the tremulous peace in Bosnia, Cambodia, Lebanon, Liberia, Northern Ireland, and Rwanda, features contributions from eminent journalists and photographers who reported on the former conflicts.

Particularly meaningful is VII’s profile of Shahidul Alam, and its creation of two student grants at the Danish School of Media and Journalism, one in honor of Shahidul and the other in honor of the late Alexandra Boulat:

Shahidul Alam

On November 20, 2018, after more than 100 days in prison, Shahidul Alam, a member of our VII Foundation Advisory Board, was released on bail, but the case against him has not been dropped. If convicted after trial, he faces a jail term of up to 14 years on charges of spreading propaganda against the government under Bangladesh’s Information Communication and Technology Act (ICT), a law that human rights groups have decried as ‘draconian.’ 
He has received a number of awards recently, some accepted by friends and family who fought for his release from prison. These include the Frontline Club Tribute Award, the Lucie Humanitarian Award, and being named among TIME magazine's Person of the Year 2018. 
VII Photo Agency and the VII Foundation were involved in advocating for Shahidul’s release. Board member Sherman Teichman led that initiative for the Foundation and we will continue to support Shahidul in the coming months. The VII Academy will be supporting the Chobi Mela Festival, which was founded by Shahidul in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in February by sending teachers to work with Bangladeshi students during the festival.  

Alexandra Boulat & Shahidul Alam Grants

After a research trip by Gary to the Danish School of Media and Journalism in Aarhus, Denmark, we stepped in to replace two grants that had been withdrawn from the school by the Danish Government (due to reduced funding for journalism education) for students from the majority world. We asked that one grant be given to a female and one to a male student and that they be given in honor of Alexandra Boulat and Shahidul Alam. Once the grants were announced, there were over 50 applicants in 48 hours. The Directors of the Danish School selected Deepti Asthanafrom India, who received The Alexandra Boulat Grant, and Mushfiq Mahbub Turjo from Bangladesh, who received The Shahidul Alam Grant to study photojournalism for one semester in the spring of 2019. Both grants were funded by the VII Academy with funds donated by Jennifer and include accommodation, tuition, and some expenses. 
The Alexandra Boulat Grant is given in remembrance of the late prize-winning French photographer who was a member and co-founder of VII Photo Agency. The Shahidul Alam Grant is given in honor of the great importance Shahidul Alam has for the development of independent photojournalism, particularly elevating the presence of young men and women from the majority world.

Seminar on Behalf of Jamal Khashoggi and Shahidul Alam


I spoke today on behalf of Jamal Khashoggi and Shahidul Alam, with Ambassador William Milam, who has served as US Ambassador to Pakistan and Bangladesh, for the Bangladesh Progressive Alliance of North America and Amnesty International, in an event at Harvard entitled “Implications on Human Rights and Democracy in the Age of Targeting of Media and Journalists.” My remarks touched more broadly on the fate of global journalists in a world now debased even more by the rise of Trumpian fake news, and on the avenues available to us to combat this.

This event was co-sponsored by Harvard’s undergraduate International Relations Council, whom I advise, and introduced by its President, Eliza Rebellion Ennis.

I had met Jamal Khashoggi at events organized by the Human Rights Foundation, the last being at 2018’s Oslo Freedom Forum, where I sat in on a late night conversation on an effort to increase the impact the Arab Tyrant Manual, an “independent online publishing platform focused on freedom, human rights and the fight against all forms of authoritarianism globally.”

That our government seeks to avoid really confronting the atrocity of his murder hurts in a more personal way than anything Trump has done heretofore.

The continued imprisonment of Shahidul Alam, with whom I serve on the Advisory Board of VII Photo Foundation, is now seemingly totally lost and obscured in the news cycle here. In a Dhaka jail since his abduction in early August, he has repeatedly been denied bail by the High Court, and continues to be slandered as a “traitor” by Bangladesh’s ruling party.

A Moment in Time

Adam White, Mike Niconchuk, Taarika Sridhar, Amit Paz

Adam White, Mike Niconchuk, Taarika Sridhar, Amit Paz

In the space of twenty-fours on the 22nd and 23rd of September, I was visited by six of my alumni. I dined with Taarika Sridhar, of the EPIIC year on South Asia, and a member of PPRI and Empower; Adam White, an EPIIC engineering student also of the 2009 South Asia year; Mike Niconchuk, a co-founder of the BUILD program; and Amit Paz, a former student leader of NIMEP and contributor to its Insights magazine. The following day, I was visited again by Amit, and by San Haddad, who participated in the 2000 EPIIC Global Sports year.

Taarika is in her third year at Northeastern Law School, and will be clerking for another EPIIC alumnus, Jacob Silberberg, her mentor at Ropes & Gray.

Mike is now off with alum Biz Herman to the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan, where they are working with Questscope.

Adam White is off to Cairo working on traffic management with SIPA and MIT professors.

Amit is working for Baker Tilly on a very sensitive project affecting what is possibly left of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and he has asked for my student interns from Wellesley to assist him.

Ghassan is in the midst of writing his critical book on the Palestinian and Israeli Olympic files and the politically-motivated distortion of their history, and organizing to create a center for sport and conflict studies in Jerusalem with the International Olympic Academy.

First Meeting with Albright Institute Fellows

Distorted History Poster.jpg

I have held my first session with the Fellows of the Albright Institute at Wellesley, for whom I serve as their inaugural Fellows Mentor.

I presented a talk on the topic of “Distorted History and the Perversion of Politics,” which is both of profound personal interest to me and, I believe, critical to understand at our own current juncture in history.

To impress on the Fellows the importance of challenging their convictions and preconceptions, I heavily referenced a book which has challenged my own, In Praise of Forgetting by David Rieff. Writing as a contrarian to the aphorism that “those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it,” Rieff questions whether collectively remembering the traumas of the past really leads to reconciliation or justice in the present.

On this theme, I introduced them the work of EPIIC alumna Dacia Viejo Rose, with whom I had the recent pleasure of reconnecting as I interviewed her for EuropeNow on her research.

The talk was attended by a large cohort of Wellesley students, many of whom were not Fellows. I was pleased by their enthusiasm and receptivity to the topic, and I am eager to beginning working with them individually.

Shahidul Alam Denied Bail


Shahidul Alam is still being held in Dhaka Central Jail after his bail plea was denied by the Dhaka Metropolitan Session Judge’s Court. His bail petition had been repeatedly deferred by the High Court of Bangladesh for nearly a month, and and an order to grant him status as “Division 1 Under Trial Prisoner,” filed on August 27th, was implemented only yesterday.

We are in contact with his lawyer, Sara Hossain, to learn of what we can do to help his situation from afar. We are also receiving regular updates on his situation.