The Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Day Ceremony

MAY 3RD: 1:30 PM EST

These are people who have experienced loss through conflict, who understand grief and anger, and who have chosen another way. Let’s come together and stand with them.

To watch the ceremony go to our:

Facebook page, where we will be Live

or to our YouTube Channel
or visit our website 

Because of threats to the security and stability of our live broadcast, we have to keep the direct web links under wraps, and will share them with you a couple of hours before the ceremony begins. Plus, due to the volume of viewers as well as possible cyber attacks, web platforms may struggle. We are well prepared for this, and if your viewing is interrupted for any reason, simply switch to a different streaming channel - Facebook may be the most secure.

Directly following the closing of the ceremony, we have eight  Zoom rooms which you are invited to join and hear from a range of speakers. The topics and details are below.

We are once again expecting hundreds of thousands of people from around the world to join us. If this is your first time, expect a profoundly moving experience, and to those of you we see each year, we have missed you! 

We hope that you will join us as we explore the notion of ‘Place’ in Israel and Palestine, and how we can truly unite for a more just, hopeful, and tolerant future.

Zoom Rooms following the ceremony

The live links to each of the rooms will be available on our Facebook page and Website during the ceremony

Room 1: The Place of Compassion

Tuli Flint, a social worker who treats PTSD and CFP’s Israeli general coordinator; and Basaam Aramin, co-founder of CFP, will speak on the meaning of compassion in our lives, and in the work of bi-national organizations who take action to bring peace.

Language: Hebrew | Translation: To Arabic and English

Room 2: The Place of Transformation

Tal Sagi, who grew up in a settlement and served in the Israeli military in Hebron, will speak on her journey from there to her role today, coordinating all education activities in Breaking The Silence.

Language: Hebrew | Translation: To English

Room 3: The Safe Space

Bentzi Banderas served as a combatant in the Israeli military in the West Bank and fought in “Protective Edge”, will speak on his journey which led him to his role in Breaking The Silence as the coordinator for Diaspora Jewry.

Language: English | Translation: To Arabic

Room 4: The Brave Place – the place of dialogue

Scott Rasmussen, CEO of “Hands of Peace”, will talk with the organization’s alumni about the courage to talk and listen to the “other” and about the significance – and limitations – of dialogue.

Language: English | Translation: To Hebrew

Room 5: The Place of Youth

Talia Balaban from Tel Aviv and Sima Awad from Beit Omer, both 18 year old, grew up in bereaved families. We’ll hear from them how they got to Parents Circle Family Forum’s summer camp and how it affected them. Teenagers are especially welcome.

Language: Hebrew and Arabic | Translation: To Hebrew and Arabic

Room 6: Dialogue meeting with Parents Circle Family Forum members

Laila Alsheikh, who lost her baby son, and Tal Kfir Schurr, who lost her sister, tell their personal story and talk about their journey to the PCFF.

Language: English | Translation: To Hebrew

Room 7: Dialogue meeting with Parents Circle Family Forum members

Eytan Amir, who lost his brother, and Ashraf Abu Ayash, who lost his father and grandfather, tell their personal stories, and speak about their journeys who led them to PCFF.

Language: Hebrew | Translation: To Arabic

Room 8: Dialogue meeting with Parents Circle Family Forum members

Yakub Rabi, who lost his wife, and Kamaal Zidane, who lost two sons, tell their personal stories and speak about their journeys that led them to PCFF.

Language: Arabic | Translation: To Hebrew